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NLP Insights

What would you do if…?

By Blog, NLP Insights

“What you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?”
That’s one of my all time favourite coaching questions. Keep asking yourself this question over & over again, in the context of growing your business (or around an area that could do with some TLC today).
Write down everything that comes to mind, without letting your pen leave the paper.

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What is the intention?

By Blog, NLP Insights

Feeling frustrated because things don’t feel like they’re moving fast enough for you? Get the balance right, as it’s just as bad to be slap-dash, cut corners & go live with a project! Apply this as if you are creating a new website. Consider what would be the first impression of your potential customers.

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Are you admiring the wrong people?

By Blog, NLP Insights

Are You Admiring The Wrong People? Do you ever look at other people and think, ‘gosh I wish I was more like them!’, as they seem to have their ‘stuff’ together & are getting amazing results? Enjoy getting to know YOU even more & then choosing more people who are like YOU to admire & learn from – as this is key for you to both LOVE what you do & get amazing results in your working life.

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Time: Are you spending it wisely?

By Audio Podcast, NLP Insights

Time: Are You Spending It Wisely?
If you had ‘time’ in a bank instead of money – would you spend it differently?
Listen to this latest RT-Podcast and see how the Hollywood may open up your mind & eyes to a new way of thinking! Time is one thing that we all have in common, with the same 24 hours available each day. But it’s what you use that time for that truly makes a difference. Start to design more compelling goals for your future!

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Be super strong & flexible

By Audio Podcast, NLP Insights

Be Superstrong & Flexible
Give Yourself Just Over 4 Minutes To Listen To This Rapid Transformation Podcast Bringing One Of The Key NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Principles To Life For You!
Let’s explore together one of the principle behind NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) called ‘The Law of Requisite Variety’.

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How to feel confident instantly!

By NLP Insights, RT-TV

How To Feel Confident Instantly?

How would it be if you could have a magic button, which would help you feel more confident (or any other positive feeling) in an instant?
I’ll show you how to do that using the power of NLP!
Watch this bumper RT-TV episode to see step by step how to install an ANCHOR!
Have fun using this simple technique into lots of different situations & for the positive feelings that will serve you most.

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Change your frame = Change your MEANING!

By NLP Insights, RT-TV

Change Your Frame-Change Your Meaning

Have you ever wondered how the way you’re feeling about something, could be down to the meaning you’ve attached to it?
Watch this super short episode of RT-TV to discover how to put to good use the NLP tool called Reframing!
By actually stopping & asking yourself ‘What else could this mean?’ – it helps you to become more flexible and give yourself options to think about things in a different way – rather than generalising things & jumping to assumptions that may not be true in reality!

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Really communicate with your communication!

By NLP Insights, RT-TV

Really Communicate With Your Communication
Do you sometimes feel like people are talking to you in a strange language that you can’t make sense of?
Mastering communication is such an important skill. Without doing so – you could be making life so much harder for you by not being able to building rapport with others quickly and not be able to market or convey your ideas & messages with your customers or colleagues effectively.
Watch this episode and bring this key insight from the NLP toolkit to life!

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Letting go of worry & anxiety

By Mindset, NLP Insights, RT-TV, Strategies

Letting Go Of Worry & Anxiety
Have you ever felt anxious about something – it’s not a nice feeling is it? It could be about a certain event that is just around the corner – like a test; an interview or a big important meeting!
Check out this super quick strategy to combat those nasty feelings!
And have fun kicking away any feelings of anxiety that you experience from now on – by remembering to FOCUS UPON WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN!

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