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Discover your Entrepreneurial Superpower®

through the Wealth Dynamics profile test

Discover your Entrepreneurial Superpower®

through the Wealth Dynamics profile test

Get Your Wealth Dynamics Profile Test Now

Discover your Entrepreneurial Superpower®

through the Wealth Dynamics profile test

Get Your Wealth Dynamics Profile Test Now

Are you a Creator Star Supporter Deal Maker Trader Accumulator Lord Mechanic ?

Back when I started my business, I wasted loads of time and energy trying out strategies that just didn’t feel right for me.

I’d look at what everyone else in my industry was doing & wonder why it wasn’t working or getting the same results for me.

But you know what? We’re all different and those differences are your Superpower!

Instead of fighting against them, what would happen if you embraced them more?

Growing your own business should be exciting, rewarding, and fun, not overwhelming.

When I took the Wealth Dynamics profile test, things finally clicked & made more sense!

It helped me identify which of the 8 profiles is my natural Entrepreneurial Superpower.

So, are you ready to operate in your zone of genius, follow your own best path, and watch your business grow?

Every business owner has a superpower

Do you know yours?

Because it’s your hidden gem!

It’s like a map – it’s more than a tool.

“It’s helped me to understand my talents, my strengths .. how to get from where I am to where I want to go.

It’s something that whenever I get confused or a little bit lost, I can always pull back to that & it will help put me back on track.”

Diane Leigh

Wealth Dynamics is the world’s leading profiling tool for small business owners & entrepreneurs to find their flow.

It helps brings clarity, direction & real magic to your entrepreneurial journey.

Hear the impact Wealth Dynamics has had on these business owners

Amy Mitchell 0:27

‘The Wealth Dynamics profile actually shifted my entire approach to business …’

Debashish Das 0:21

‘I know exactly what to do & which way to swing so I can make decisions faster …’

Karen Wojciechowski 0:16

‘I’ve realised why I’ve really been struggling with some tasks that I’ve been trying to do for my business …’

Given me an opportunity to really get into flow & to focus on what I really enjoy

“The impact of knowing my Wealth Dynamics profile has given me an opportunity to really get into flow & to focus on what I really enjoy, rather than be a ‘jack of all trades’, which is something I’m very well known for.”

Emma Hadley

It will help you be more proactive in your business journey:

Your Design

Make sure your business model, vision & goals totally aligns with your personality & Entrepreneurial Superpower … as it’s your business after all!

Your Mindset

Time to let go of the “all-rounder” beliefs & stop comparing yourself to others. Focus on your strengths, not your Kryptonite weaknesses and see how that feels different!

Your Strategies

Make smarter decisions around which tactics & approaches to follow or not follow, in all part of your business including sales, marketing & delighting your clients.

That’s why I’m so passionate about the Wealth Dynamics profile & insist that all my coaching clients know what their profile is!

I finally understood what it is that’s been feeling disconnected.

“I’ve been doing what I love to do, writing, but part of it is a disconnect because I’m providing a service; whereas total flow for me is creating a product.

This was like a flash of understanding and created a real shift for me.”

Sam Dounis

Your Wealth Dynamics profile will help you  :

Find your flow & reclaim your time

When you gain insight into your profile, you’ll have the power to refocus your time around what brings you joy and aligns with your strengths.

You’ll easily identify what to say no to, leading to increased fulfillment and enhanced productivity. As a result, stress and struggles naturally decrease, and you find things happening more easily!

That’s the beauty of discovering your flow!

Clarify your natural path

Think of your profile as a roadmap, not a box.

It leads you on an exciting journey and challenges you to play the game of life to the fullest. With eight distinct profiles, each comes with its own playground and rules.

By understanding your natural path, you gain valuable insights into which role models to look up to and which advice to heed, while also learning what to discard.

Embrace your uniqueness and let it guide you towards making the best decisions for your growth and success!

Collaborate with others

Each of the eight profiles has its own way of attracting, building, and leading a team.

The key to scaling your business lies in having a high-performing team or collaborators.

Getting the right ‘team’ in place, with the perfect individuals for each role, begins with using Wealth Dynamics to gain insights into yourself and your collaborators.

Accelerate your business growth

Right at the heart of Wealth Dynamics, we’ve got the wealth equation: it’s all about understanding how flow happens through Value and Leverage.

Once you’ve figured out how to create value and use it to your advantage in your own way, you’re not just controlling time, but money starts flowing in faster too!

Step up as a business owner

On a scale of “meh” to “mind-blowing”, how much do you think you’re living up to your true potential as a business owner right now?

Let’s face it, most of us are only scratching the surface of what we’re truly capable of.

With Wealth Dynamics, you can tap into your real value and understand how to make a way bigger positive impact.

Ready to find out what your Entrepreneurial Superpower® is?

Helped me figure out where I was stuck in my business

“Identifying my Wealth Dynamics profile with Osmaan has helped me figure out where I was stuck in my business & look at the answers I needed, in order to move my business forward to grow it.”

Leanne Lawson

Your 51 page personalised Wealth Dynamics report will include:


Your Primary Profile

Discover if you’re more aligned with the Creator, Star, Supporter, Deal Maker, Trader, Accumulator, Lord or Mechanic Superpower.

Your Personalised Results Graph

See your talent frequency breakdown – across the 8 different Entrepreneurial Superpower profiles.

Deep Dive into Your Profile

Understand the strengths & challenges; best & worst activities to focus upon and what would get your more & less in flow!

Your Secondary Profiles

Appreciate the 2 other secondary profiles that you may 'lean on' when needed to support you

Best Role Models for You

Learn from some famous business owners who have the same Entrepreneurial Superpower as you

and much much more!

Including an overview of the Wealth Dynamics Square; Leadership roles for your profile & team dynamics

Ultimately, it will help you to see what you should be doing more of & less of so you can create real magic in your business as your journey progresses






  • Wealth Dynamics Online Test & Profile Report
Buy the Wealth Dynamics Profile Only





  • Wealth Dynamics Online Test & Profile Report
  • 1-2-1 Coaching & de-brief call (30 mins)
  • Access to ‘Your Entrepreneurial Superpower®’ Online Programme to bring your profile to life in a practical way
Buy Your Entrepreneurial Superpower® Immersion Now

Want to know more about

Your Entrepreneurial Superpower® Immersion?

This is an opportunity for you to have me in your corner, as I guide you through bringing your Wealth Dynamics profile to life, so you can truly embrace your Entrepreneurial Superpower® rapidly!

Your Wealth Dynamics Online Test & Report

Discover which of the 8 Wealth Dynamics profiles you align closest with & receiving your personalised graph & report

1-2-1 Coaching Call & De-brief

This is an opportunity for me to coach you through your individual results & see how you can specifically embrace your Entrepreneurial Superpower® in your business.

Your Entrepreneurial Superpower® Immersion Online Programme

Access my online programme where I bring to life the Wealth Dynamics profiling system & real-life small business examples for each of the 8 profiles.
There is over 8 hours of insightful & practical focused resources here for you, through the 5 modules.
Buy Your Entrepreneurial Superpower® Immersion Now

A way to move forward in my business.

“It has opened the door to a new way of structuring my business.

I remember hearing about Wealth Dynamics before & although it sounded ok at the time, I didn’t realise how much Wealth Dynamics is an essential tool to have.”

Susanna Balston

See how knowing their Wealth Dynamics profile has helped them

Lesley Collins 0:55

‘It makes me not look at other people … & feel like I should be comparing myself …’

Ian Barclay 1:03

‘It’s helped me grow my business … it’s been a fantastically worthwhile & productive experience’

Maria Birkmyre 1:19

‘I now realise just how much time & energy I used to waste on tasks that didn’t come naturally to me …’

I’d have been stuck on the ‘How’ side of the square, bogged down in tiny details and never actually getting anything done.”

“I learnt that I’m in my best flow when I’m designing new ideas & thinking about the ‘What’ aspects of my business.

I really used that to get myself off the ground, to start designing my services and branding and that’s been really helpful.

I think that if I hadn’t have had that, I’d have been stuck on the ‘How’ side of the square, bogged down in tiny details and never actually getting anything done.”

Lisa Russell

I was trying to work on areas that I shouldn’t be working on.

“It’s allowed me to identify where I was going wrong & it’s provided greater clarity for me.

It proved that I was in the wrong job & has motivated me to follow my dreams.”

Stephen Elliott

He was able to … help guide me out of a tight space

“The last few years, with growth in the business, I have had to wear many more hats than I am suitably qualified for.

This is why I decided to take the Wealth Dynamics assessment with Osmaan and look at where my energy better lies for more flow in our business.

Osmaan’s session was very enlightening, not only does he give a clear explanation of one’s characteristics when in flow, but he was able to investigate where I am at with everything right now and help guide me out of a tight space.”

Sunita Passi

So what is your Entrepreneurial Superpower®?

So are you ready to make some real magic happen in your business?