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Your Unique Journey to the Next Chapter: Confident Business Growth Without Chaos & Confusion!

Let’s work together, so you can make some serious magic happen in your business!

Your Unique Journey to the Next Chapter: Confident Business Growth Without Chaos & Confusion!

Let’s work together, so you can make some serious magic happen in your business!

Your Unique Journey to the Next Chapter: Confident Business Growth Without Chaos & Confusion!

Let’s work together, so you can make some serious magic happen in your business!

Ready for your next big leap?

With personalised coaching & my online curriculum, I’ll coach you over the next 6 months to confidently grow your business using my grounded & practical approach!

Open for applications now

You ...

Are an experienced coach, consultant, or service provider, who’s had success after leaving the corporate world bravely & reaped rewarding experiences since.

Proudly feel, ‘unemployable now’, because things have been going ‘ok’, yet a growing frustration weighs on you daily.

Feel caught between sustaining your business & fearing stagnation, because you know you’re ready for progression – be it financial growth, time freedom, or seeing more of those ‘brilliant’ ideas that are lurking away in your filled notebooks come to life!

Are tired of that inner conflict you’ve been feeling.   You want clarity & a path forward that suits you, not starting from scratch or chasing others’ versions of ‘success!’

Does this sound all too familiar to you?

The reality!

With 17+ years in business & coaching others, I’ve seen how distractions & comparisons can easily derail us when we’re at growth points & crossroads. 

Especially with today’s multitude of courses, podcasts, social media feeds and books, they might seem helpful but can often cloud your judgment or leave you more confused …. & that’s not even taking into account the amount of wasted money, time & energy!

True progress & growth comes from decisions aligned with who you are & what you really want. 

I'm truly excited for you

Because I know you’re at a vital (yet somewhat daunting) stage in your business journey, where there’s so many possibilities!

But that’s also why it’s now even more important to focus on YOU, address any mindset gremlins, & think wisely before blindly abandoning what you’ve been doing to instead pursuing new products, services, or tactics. Don’t just follow trends or get lost in your endless ‘should do’ lists!

It helped me to ‘clear the deck’ and to re-focus with clarity and purpose.

“I realised that there were important values that I hadn’t acknowledged yet – which informed very different choices and decisions going forward.

It helped me to ‘clear the deck’ and to re-focus with clarity and purpose.

It also took away a lot of the noise and distraction.

It allowed me to create a blueprint for my business that works for ME.

And in doing so, to feel more grounded, confident and bold in the business I am creating.

The entire experience has detoxed and re-set my business and helped me establish myself as the CEO of my business.

It has been incredibly empowering.”

Isabelle Griffith

I genuinely care about your personal growth just as much as your business growth …

that’s why I am ‘The Business Owner’s Coach’

Let me help you on this next part of your business journey, through my Coaching+ Experience!

Over the next 6 months, let’s work together to explore & get crystal clear on 3 fundamental areas, so you can grow your business in a way that makes more sense for YOU!

It will be like re-calibrating your compass, so that you truly take into account what’s already working for you & strengthen the areas that will really move the needle forward.

Up until now, you’ve probably not even thought about these areas too deeply, as understandably your attention would have been on just doing whatever it took to succeed & get you to this point.

Having guided hundreds of business owners through this, trust me when I say that it will have such a positive influence on the next chapters ahead for you & your business.

Open for applications now

Let’s dive into what our coaching & online curriculum will guide you through

Your Design

  • Your Values drive what you do & don’t do, by fueling your motivation levels.  By uncovering your top values, you’ll have a concrete anchor point to confidently make future decisions.


  • There are so many different ways to grow your type of business, so we’ll make sure that your future business growth plans are truly playing to your Personality & unique Entrepreneurial Superpower. 


  • We’ll upgrade your Vision so that it inspires you & truly aligns to your Values & Personality.  This will help you then easily say YES to the right things & NO to things that could take you off track.


  • Use your Vision to tailor specific Goals with real clarity & in a way that feels much more magical.

Osmaan will hold your feet to the fire in a friendly and supportive way.

I was looking for an experienced coach ready to ask me the right questions and acting as a sounding board, keeping me honest. 

Also, someone who has built a real business using an array of current marketing tactics.

Osmaan is a great balance between challenger, advisor, and coach – a very friendly one I may add.

You came across as pragmatic, practical, to the point & refraining from pie-in-the-sky coaching lingo only coaches care for. 

I liked that he is also a business owner who’s faced the same challenges I’ve been facing. There’s lots to learn from him.

I would recommend Osmaan to any business owner who’s interested in making progress and ready to do some serious work.”

Max Habeck

Your Mindset

  • Your inner Beliefs run the show in more ways that you can imagine.  So we’ll identify the limiting beliefs that are potentially sabotaging you (like money mindset blocks; what you ‘should’ do) & actually let go of them!


  • Being a business owner can feel like an emotional rollercoaster at times.  You’ll discover how to take control of these emotions, so they don’t end up controlling you negatively!


  • Each stage of business needs a different type of Thinking & Attitudes, so we’ll make sure you’re upgrading them in a way that best supports your next chapters ahead.


  • You’ll get to experience the powerful coaching toolkit from the world of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in action, to help you create real transformation from the inside-out!

I achieved my 90 day revenue target in 30 days.

“Osmaan’s ability to identify mindset blockages and drill down into actually solving the problem has been the best investment I’ve made in my business.

In hindsight, I’ve struggled for years with limiting beliefs about the business world and my true potential.

To have clarity and feel genuinely positive about my future plans is a real shift in the right direction for me, my family and my business.

I am forever grateful, thank you!”

Fionn Patrick

Your Strategies

  • You’ll discover & understand how to truly leverage your Entrepreneurial Superpower using the Wealth Dynamics profiling system.


  • You’ll get to see if you’re more aligned with a Creator, Star, Supporter, Deal Maker, Trader, Accumulator, Lord or Mechanic.


  • This will then guide you in practical way of take Action & follow the best Strategies in ALL areas of your business growth & development, so it flows easier for you.  Including how you market; sell; collaborate; lead others & deliver to your client!


  • You’ll get to focus on fine-tuning or create new Habits, so that you’re consistently taking the right Actions & being Productive instead of chasing your tail.

Meeting Osmaan has changed my business, which has changed my life!

“Osmaan’s coaching has been instrumental in helping me achieve radical transformation in my business.

The Wealth Dynamics profile, has been a game changer for me, and has allowed me to step into what I am truly gifted at in my business, which has led to me achieving a longtime business goal this year!

I am so grateful to Osmaan for all he does, his personal care and attention and going above and beyond ALWAYS for his clients.

Meeting Osmaan has changed my business, which has changed my life!

I have nothing but high praise for this incredible coach.”

Wendy Griffith

What will the journey ahead look like for you?

Imagine not having to try to figure this out by yourself or end up getting more lost or left stuck where you are!

  • I’ll help you see your own blind spots & hidden gems!


  • You’ll get to take advantage of my particular superpowers & skillsets:
    • Super grounded & practical
    • Continue to grow my own businesses – not just coaching others!
    • Expertise in dealing with mindset blocks
    • Master at all things Wealth Dynamics & embracing your personality. 

A snapshot of what's included for you:

A tailored journey over 6 months

We’ll start by getting a real sense of where you currently are in reality, so we know what’s working & where the biggest opportunities are for you.  Together we’ll then create a pathway that will be best for you!


Access to my ‘Business Magic’ Online Curriculum

To maximise our time together, I’ll guide you through & signpost you to relevant parts of my online curriculum for you to dive into & take action on, before & after our one-to-one coaching sessions.  It will be like having me in your ears sharing my best experiences & toolkits with you.


One-to-One Coaching Sessions (virtual)

We’ll get to dive in even deeper & really focus upon helping you to implement my tried & tested framework to you & your unique business situations, in practical ways.   

You’ll also get to benefit from many of my powerful NLP mindset & coaching techniques like busting through your limiting beliefs, to help you get unstuck & move forward.


Group Coaching Sessions (virtual)

Every fortnight you’ll get to have even more one-to-one coaching support from me with our group calls. 

This means that you can keep the momentum going in between our 1-2-1 coaching sessions & also benefit from having mastermind support from fellow business owners too.


Email support throughout the journey

In between our one-to-one coaching sessions & as you access the online curriculum, you can reach out to me by email for support.   This will make sure you keep the momentum going, have accountability & get answers to your questions when you actually need it!


Your Wealth Dynamics Profile

You’ll get to discover which of the 8 Wealth Dynamics profiles is most aligned with you, so you can truly embrace your Entrepreneurial Superpower.  We’ll then bring your personalised report to life through a deep-dive immersion in both our one-to-one coaching & the comprehensive online curriculum!


Like what you’ve read so far?

Further details on how the 6 months will work will be shared after you’ve completed your application, so we can see if this will be a great fit for you.  

Interested to find out more about going on this Coaching+ Experience together?

Simply fill in the application today & I’ll send you more details.

There’s no commitment to join even by completing your application

Frequently Asked Questions

Why an application & what happens next?

It’s super important to me that you get the right support that you need.

By answering the simple questions, I’ll be able to review your application & send you further details, if I believe the Coaching+ Experience could be a good fit for us both.

I’ll also recommend that we have a Virtual Cuppa together so we can get to know each other more & ask any questions.

Of course by completing the application form, there’s no commitment for you to join me.

Do I need to complete the whole Online Curriculum?

I’m all about implementation, rather than just information or inspiration.

So this programme isn’t about ticking a box or getting stuck in another online course.

I’ll guide you through the relevant modules of the online curriculum for you to dive into, so that it truly helps you take action.

This will also mean that we can spend more quality time on our one-to-one coaching calls together, instead of me sharing details of the approaches or toolkit.  Instead we can focus on APPLYING them to your real life situations.

Will I learn specific marketing tactics?

This Coaching+ Programme is designed to help you really understand YOU & what’s right for your business growth.  This will include understanding more about your strengths, Entrepreneurial Superpower & how you can embrace that into many areas of your business.

The online curriculum also has many modules deep diving into how you can use your Superpowers in different ways, including when leading a team or collaborating or how to sell smoothly.

During your one-to-one coaching sessions, we can look at how you can implement & take action in the best ways for you.

What you learn will truly be timeless for you & your business.

But the online curriculum won’t cover details of how to get better at specific social media platforms or how to follow the latest trend!

What's the investment?

Once you complete your application form, I’ll share all the details about exactly what’s involved & the investment for you.

What if I've already done my Wealth Dynamics profile?

Woo hoo – then you’ll have a head start.  But I also know that the real magic happens when we deep dive into your individual report & bring it to life, through both the one-to-one coaching & the online curriculum.

I’ve spend lots of time recording detailed modules for each of the 8 Wealth Dynamics profiles, sharing real life experiences & examples from other small business owners.

You’ll get a Wealth Dynamics profile included in your investment in the Coaching+ Experience, which you can share with someone in your team or support network, so you can understand each other even better!

Is this the only way to work with you?

This is the main way that I work with established business owners, because I know it works!

If this would be the first time we’ll be working together, this really is the best way for us to create a long lasting & positive impact in your business, as you’ll get the benefit of my experience as I guide you through the 3 key foundations: Design + Mindset + Strategies.

If it’s clear that you need a one-off ‘Unstuck’ session on something very specific, through your application form or virtual cuppa, then of course we can talk about the best way forward.

If we’ve already worked previously in some way, then please do reach out directly or book in for a Virtual Cuppa here & we can talk about what’s the best options for us to work together.

What happens after the 6 months?

The Coaching+ Experience is designed to help you get clarity & confidence around growing your business to the next stage.

If you’d like me to continue being in your corner after that, as your business coach & mentor, we can talk about the best next steps before the 6 months finishes.

You’ll also get access to the online curriculum for the duration of the 6 month programme.

Still got a question?

I’d recommend that you complete the application form & share your question in there.

Or you’re also welcome to book in for a Virtual Cuppa here for us to have a proper 2-way conversation.

Let’s see how we can make some real magic happen in the next stage of your business.

Simply fill in the application today & I’ll send you more details.

There’s no commitment to join even by completing your application

Open for applications now

You cut through the crap and see the gems.

“I was stuck in my business and not moving forward.  I felt trapped and hopeless!

Since we worked together, I’m crystal clear what to focus on in my business.  In doing that I’ve already bagged some work!

I also loved that you were very practical and could advise me from a sensible business point of view.  I’d got so wrapped up in making sure my work felt good and was my passion, that I’d lost the plot of actually making money!

You cut through the crap and see the gems.  I felt in very safe hands & that you had my very best interest at heart.

You were calm, caring and supportive, while also being straight talking and didn’t get sucked into or thrown off by my stubbornness, resistances, excuses and BS stories.

Thank you sooooo much. I feel confident moving forward now and know that their and ways I can make money, enjoy it and not get bored.

I’m really excited about what’s ahead.”

Maria Watson

So are you ready to make some real magic happen in your business?