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Change your frame = Change your MEANING!

By NLP Insights, RT-TV

Change Your Frame-Change Your Meaning

Have you ever wondered how the way you’re feeling about something, could be down to the meaning you’ve attached to it?
Watch this super short episode of RT-TV to discover how to put to good use the NLP tool called Reframing!
By actually stopping & asking yourself ‘What else could this mean?’ – it helps you to become more flexible and give yourself options to think about things in a different way – rather than generalising things & jumping to assumptions that may not be true in reality!

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Stop saying that you’ll TRY!

By Mindset, RT-TV, Strategies

Do you sometimes kid yourself on that you’ll do something – when you know you deep down that it ain’t going to happen?
One little word can really make the difference for you!
Give yourself 135 seconds to watch this episode of RT-TV to find out how to DO more!
Realize that those that you really do want to do, you can then spend the time & actually DO THEM!

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It takes Perseverance & Patience!

By Education, RT-TV, Strategies

It Takes Perseverance & Patience
Are you under the illusion that everyone else gets it right the first time?
Discover what having patience & perseverance has to do with you making things happen & your goals come alive!
And when working towards your current goals, make sure you keep being patient with yourself; learn & grow from any setbacks & of course keep on persevering ahead.

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