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Get Out Your Way Podcast

Fear of Judgement – 052

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I know that age is just a number, but I’m seriously proud as punch this week because ….


  • It’s my 12th year business anniversary.


  • The Get Out Your Way Podcast is now officially 1 year old!


It’s been some journey since I left the corporate world all those years ago … with many ups, downs & loop-de-loops.


And even after 52 episodes of the podcast, there’s still so much more to come.


So to me, it feels like I’ve only just got started both in terms of the business & podcast … in a real fun & positive way.


When we reach different milestones in our business, it’s pretty impossible not to stop & make a judgement about it, right?


Because it’s human nature.  We all make judgements & we’re never going to get rid of that.


But one of the biggest things I’ve learnt since both being a small business owner & also coaching thousands on a similar path, is that the fear of judgement can really hold YOU & YOUR business back.


So in this week’s podcast episode, I thought it’s about time we really had an open & honest conversation around this important subject.


Cause I want you to stop being scared of being judged … especially by others!


And instead accept the fact that it’s part & parcel of life, so use it to drive you forward instead.


Plus, why would you expect others to stop judging you, if you’re constantly judging others too … without even realising it most of the time?!


Tune into episode 52 now, to both celebrate with me today & also hear some practical tips to help you to Get Out Your Way when it comes to JUDGEMENTS!

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Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:

* Thinking of being part of my next 90 day Rapid Transformation Mastermind group or having me be your coach?  Let’s chat … book in for your free virtual cuppa here.

* Looking for some help to get our your way?  See how we could work together here.

*Discover which business growth block is holding you back by taking this free quiz.

* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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Enjoy & here’s to another year filled of fun, adventures & success for us both.

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