How you see or think about yourself can really influence your business growth, in a positive or negative way. See if your identity is currently working for you!
How you see or think about yourself can really influence your business growth, in a positive or negative way. See if your identity is currently working for you!
These 3 beliefs have massively helped me deal with setbacks & be more resilient. See how they can help you too in your business journey!
Your mind can play tricks on you & make you believe things that aren’t actually true. See how you can get over limiting stories & beliefs with this simple tool.
Your mind can play tricks on you & make you believe things that aren’t actually true. See how you can get over limiting stories & beliefs with this simple tool.
Your beliefs, stories & mindset around money can massively impact your business results. So is your money mindset positive or negative for you?
Your beliefs, stories & mindset around money can massively impact your business results. So is your money mindset positive or negative for you?
We all make judgements about ourselves & others. But are you letting the fear of judgement hold you & your business back?
Your mindset impacts everything in your business. Discover if you’ve got a growth or fixed mindset in your business & how to make it more consistently on the growth side!
Going camping really pushed me out of my comfort zones but it was a truly epic experience. Through that journey, I came away with 10 powerful insights that directly relate to hiking up your business.
Does that big voice in your head say some not so nice things? Here’s what to tell it!