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Belief … they influence how we think, feel & what we do.

That’s why I’m always banging on about identifying & then letting go of those limiting & negative beliefs, so they don’t hold you & your business back.

But what about those positive beliefs?

Those ones should be cherished, nurtured & recognised, as they can be like your internal supporters.

They can help you deal with challenges or unexpected setbacks, so you can dust yourself off rapidly & keep moving forward.

Want to know what 3 positive beliefs have massively helped me in my business over the years?

  • ‘If it’s for you, it won’t go by you.’ …. Something my mum has always said to us since being little kids. 

  • ‘Everything is figureoutable’ … by Marie Forleo & inspired by her mum!

  • ‘Everything is always working out for me!’ by Esther Hicks

Having these lodged inside my brain helps me massively & I’m constantly reminding myself of them regularly too!

Do you have a belief that’s help you to get out your way?   I’d love to hear what it is, so drop me a quick message & let me know.