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Get Out Your Way Podcast

10 insights to Hike Up Your Business – 017

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I still remember it as if it was yesterday, when I woke up in a tent in the middle of nowhere & I really needed to pee.


The only problem was that it was 12.33am & it was blowing a gale outside the tent.


Honestly, the thought of venturing out of my warm sleeping bag to face that really didn’t appeal to me …. especially as I truly hated being cold or wet!


I tried to ignore it, as I’d be getting up in a few hours anyway … surely I could use the power of my mind to wait?


But you know what happens when you try not to think of something … yep …. that’s all you end up think about right!


Finally I decided that it was going to be a long night ahead with zero chance of sleep, if I didn’t get up & go take care of business outside. So I did.


The most surprising thing happened though, when I finally got on my muddy hiking boots; zipped open the tent & got outside.


It’s been a year and yet that whole experience continues to give me epic insights that relate directly to growing your business.


I truly had to get out my way in lots of ways, so I wanted to share the journey with you during this week’s podcast.


Some of the key insights include:

  • What stories are you telling yourself?
  • Your perspective makes a difference.
  • What’s happening inside compared to outside?
  • You need trust & can borrow confidence.
  • Opportunities are on your doorstep.
  • It’s never a straight path.
  • Unnecessary baggage just slows you down.
  • You need the right support & tools.
  • It’s OK to take breaks.
  • Switch off .. to switch on!
  • BONUS: Reflect using your reference points & non-logical measures.

Enjoy listening in & be sure to comment below, letting me know what your biggest take away & how you will apply it in your business.

Remember that applications are still open for my upcoming Rapid Transformation 90 day Mastermind, which I’d love you to be part of.  You can find out more & apply here:

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Here’s the links & resources for this episode:

* Join the upcoming Rapid Transformation 90 day Mastermind – find out all the details here.

*  Find out what type of entrepreneur you are by taking the Wealth Dynamics test.
* Also, be sure to take my FREE Business Growth Blocks Quiz here:
* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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Best wishes & enjoy networking like the pro that you are … or will be after you put these tips into action!

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