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business owner

Pushing yourself too much?

By Blog, Business, Mindset

‘How will I know if I’m pushing myself too much?’ A fab question from one of my coaching client earlier this week, don’t you think? If you’re feeling totally strained in your business, then the chances are that you are pushing yourself too much. You may be trying to run before you can walk or attempting to do too many things at the same time with limited time or resources. At these times, it’s about taking a step back, being honest & reprioritising.

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Has your flame gone out?

By Blog, Mindset

“Is your flame still burning or has it burnt out?”There’s really no end when it comes to learning & developing yourself. What can you do what that flame then? If you’re a business owner, you can inspire other people to know that they want to work closely with you or experience the amazing products or services that you have. If you’re a member of a team, it could be to help inspire each other to want to collectively work together in a focused way & each playing your individual parts to make your overall goals and visions come alive!

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