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Get Out Your Way Podcast

Is Being a ‘Book-a-Holic’ Impacting Your Business? – 021

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I like big books & I cannot lie.


Yep I would even go as far as saying that I’m verging on being a ‘book-a-holic’.


What about you?


Do you love the smell when you walk into a bookshop & dream of being locked in there overnight?


Do you get that thrill of excitement like you’re going to pee your pants, when you click the ‘buy now’ button for the latest book to magically wing its way to your e-device? (Ok if you answered yes to that … you need serious help … because that’s a bit too much & even I don’t get that thrilled by books 😉 )


But seriously, whether it’s real books, e-books, podcasts, videos or online courses, I know how addictive learning can become.


So is it a good thing or bad thing?


Will it impact your business in a good way or bad way?


It all depends … on what you do with what you consume!


That’s why in this week’s free podcast episode, I want to help you make sure you’re not wasting your time, money or energy on reading, listening or watching new shining things.


Instead, I’ll be sharing with you how to make sure you show some constraint & purposefully indulge in your habit … without it overtaking your life or business.


Plus, when you listen into the ‘book-a-holics anonymous’ episode, I’ll confess 7 things that I do when it comes to saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.


And for those things that do get the thumbs up, I’ll share how I savour & enjoy every single moment of the experience … before .. during & after 😉


If you’ve read this far … you know deep down that you’re in the same boat as me sometimes & need to be tuning into this episode, right?

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Here’s the links & resources for this episode:

* Find out what type of entrepreneur you are by taking the Wealth Dynamics test.
* Also, be sure to take my FREE Business Growth Blocks Quiz here:
* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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Enjoy & I look forward to bumping into you in Waterstones or another cool bookstore some time soon 😉

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