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I’m not going to lie, being on lockdown is starting to make me go a little stir-crazy here.


Even though I usually spend the majority of time in Glasgow, working from home & seeing my clients worldwide via video calls …. I never quite realised how much I got from my little burst of travel up & down the country.


I’m especially excited to get my next London fix when things get back to the new ‘normal’.


A trip to London doesn’t feel complete for me, unless I’ve been on the Tube & wandered around the Westminster area to say ‘hi’ to Big Ben.


When you think about it, the London Underground system is actually amazing.  It whizzes over 1.3 billion passengers under the streets of London ever year, across 270 stations & 11 different lines.


There’s even an estimated half a million little mice that live down there …. if you stare closely down at the tracks next time, I’m sure you’ll spot one or two of them.


As I took a trip down memory lane thinking of my fond times travelling around London, I actually realised that there’s 10 really powerful things that we can all from the London Underground & how it applies to our businesses … especially in these ‘interesting’ times.


So go grab your Oyster card, ‘Mind The Gap’ & come on a trip around London with me today …. whilst still remaining safe at home & listen to this week’s podcast episode 🙂

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Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:

Book in for a free virtual cuppa (15 mins) here.

* Feeling stuck or wanting to see if a coach can help you grow your business? See how I can help you get Unstuck.

* Thinking of being part of my next 90 day Rapid Transformation Mastermind group?

* What is your Entrepreneurial Superpower? Find out which of the 8 Wealth Dynamics profiles you are more aligned with?

*Discover which business growth block is holding you back by taking this free quiz.

* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:

* Connect with me on LinkedIn; Instagram & on my Facebook Page here. Or e-mail me at

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