Back in the ‘comfort’ of the corporate world, whenever there was a problem – there was always someone else that could take the lead in fixing it.
But now that you’re the boss … do you ever feel like you need to wear multiple hats & you’re ultimately responsible for it all?
I’m sure that at times, you’ve wished for there to be no problems to deal with, right?
But are problems really something we should shy away from in business?
In fact, could it be worse if there were no problems to tackle or is the ideal scenario that you live in a problem-free business world?
Well today, I’d love to take you on a quest where we can both have a chat about this over on the podcast.
I share how this pondering was sparked through a virtual cuppa I had with a business owner recently & why I kinda rained on his parade.
I’ll also share 5 key things that are important to consider when thinking about problems in your business, including:
- New Level … New Devil
- You don’t know what you don’t know!
- No problems = stagnation & staying in your comfort zones
- How you frame it changes the meaning & feeling
- Without problems, we’d not have innovation!
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