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Get Out Your Way Podcast

Stop Beating Yourself Up – 012

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At times can you be your own worst enemy?


You know, those moments when you’re being really hard on yourself & saying some not so nice things about YOU in your head or out loud?  (It’s alright … we all talk to ourselves … so you’re not mad).


But seriously I’ve seen and heard lots of small business owners & entrepreneurs beating themselves up lately.


And guess what … it’s the worst thing you could do!


In this week’s podcast episode, I’ll share why you’d want to stop doing that right now. 


You may be thinking … ‘yeah Osmaan .. easier said than done!’ 


It’s ok though, cause I’ve got your back & I’ll talk you through 9 powerful mindset hacks & strategies that can turn things around rapidly.


So tune in today & kiss goodbye to that big old stick that you’ve been beating yourself with.


Here’s the links & resources for this episode:

* Take the FREE Business Growth Blocks Quiz here:
* Find out what your Entrepreneurial Superpower by taking the Wealth Dynamics test.
* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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Do drop a comment below or tag me in Instagram (@osmaans) & let me know which of the 9 tips really chimes with you.


Best wishes as always.


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p.s. – there’s only one reason you ‘deserve’ to beat yourself up … listen in & make sure you’re not doing that … cause if you are, then I’ll come find you 😉   (Said in Liam Neeson’s voice in Taken).