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Get Out Your Way Podcast

Hitting Your Upper Limit? – 026

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Ever had things going super well for you & then suddenly … BANG … it’s like someone hit the break & then flipped into reverse gear, so you start going backwards?


But then after a while you start picking things up again & then out of the blue … the same things happens again & again like a yo-yo!


What’s the deal with that? It sucks, right?


Well it could be a sure fire sign that you’ve got an ‘upper limit’ challenge … that you can’t even see!


But even though it’s invisible – it’s still getting in your way, so you definitely need to smoke it out & then deal with it.


That’s why I’m going to help spill the beans on this topic based upon the wonderful book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks.  You’ll get your hands on some practical tips, so you can smash through them on today’s podcast episode.


So tune in & let’s get cracking through them now.


Are you with me?

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Here’s the links & resources for this episode:

* Interested in an Unstuck Coaching Session or a place on the upcoming 90 day Mastermind Group?   Let’s jump on a call together & have a virtual cuppa (15 mins) to see how you can rapidly grow your business.  Book your call here.

* Discover what type of entrepreneur you are by taking the Wealth Dynamics test.

* ‘The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

* Also, be sure to take my FREE Business Growth Blocks Quiz here:
* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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Best wishes as always.


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