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As time moves on, it’s a great idea to stop & reflect on what you’re doing (or not doing).

Because I’m pretty sure that just like me, there will be some things you’re doing that aren’t really making an impact or getting the results that you want.

You may be still doing them because you think you ‘should’ be doing it or that you’re just in the habit of doing it … so it’s now become the ‘norm’.

But if you’re doing that … what are you not doing … that could be even better for you & your business?

That is what I’d love to explore & share even more with you in this week’s podcast episode today.

You’ll also hear me share some exciting news with you inside the podcast … about the podcast!

The top line is … the Get Out Your Way podcast is moving to being a themed season-based podcast, instead of a weekly based podcast.

So this week’s episode wraps up season 1 (which has a whopping 167 episodes in that season for you to dive into or re-listen to)

It will be back soon & I can’t wait to share this new approach with you.

If you’ve been a listener to season 1 so far … a big thanks.  I’m totally proud of having consistently shared & recorded weekly episodes for the past 3 years+.

If you haven’t listened to any of them or missed some … then where have you been!?  Only messing … you’ve now got time to catch up on season one.

This podcast change is another example of practicing what I teach … as you’ll hear me explain more about in this week’s episode.

Best wishes as always.
