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Get Out Your Way Podcast

Stop Thinking About Forever – 112

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‘Will you marry me?’


Now that’s certainly been one of the biggest & most important question I’ve ever asked in my life.


So of course, I thought about it long & hard, before I popped the question to Shareen whilst on a horse-drawn carriage in Central Park on a lovely winters evening in New York.  (A true romantic I am, right?).


But honestly I think some people make too much of a song & dance around making decisions … especially when it comes to business.


Because most of those decisions aren’t ‘forever forever’ decisions!


I’ve been having fun this week having 1-2-1 clarity calls with clients ahead of the 90 day Mastermind kicking off next week & helping them to make decisions on what they’re going to focus on.  (There’s still a tiny amount of time left, if you want to secure your spot before we begin on Monday.  Doors will be closing tomorrow evening or as soon as the final places are gone, so be quick.)


And I’ve loved seeing the huge sigh of relief when I’ve reminded some of them that their goals don’t have to feel like ‘forever’ goals.   But instead to focus on goals that will help them move forward & achieve even just that next stage of growth in their business.


In this week’s podcast, I talk about this even more with lots of examples & practical suggestions on how you can get out your way, if you’re going in circles with some decisions at the moment.


Because I would love to see you take more consistent action, instead of worrying about things like … ‘I need to have the perfect niche before I can put myself out there more’; ‘what website theme is the best to use?’; ‘have I chosen the right colour for my logo?’; ‘should I be doing what others in my industry are doing?’ ….


Enjoy the podcast & I look forward to hearing how it helps you.

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Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:

* Interested to see if the next 90 Day virtual Mastermind could be right for you?

* Take the ‘Get Out Your Way’ free quiz here.

Book in for a free virtual cuppa (15 mins) here.

* What is your Entrepreneurial Superpower? Find out which of the 8 Wealth Dynamics profiles you are more aligned with?

* Connect with me on LinkedIn; Instagram & on my Facebook Page here. Or e-mail me at

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Best wishes as always.

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