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Juggling Multiple Businesses with Barry Nelson – 034

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Being totally exclusive or playing the field (a.k.a. multi-passionate) in business… which is better?


It really depends!

  • On your goals.
  • On your mindset.
  • On your entrepreneurial superpower & personality.
  • On whether you’re organised enough.
  • On whether you’re stimulated by variety or if it overwhelms you.


It’s really not for everyone, that’s for sure.   That’s why I love working with my business owner clients, as they’re all different.


So what would work for one of them would be a complete disaster for another.   It certainly keeps me on my toes, I can tell you!


One of my clients & great friends, Barry Nelson is definitely used to the juggling act of running 3 businesses … alongside a busy family life too.


Yesterday we jumped online & had an in-depth chat all about it.   But before we did, I hit record, so you can benefit from eavesdropping into our conversation, as part of this week’s podcast episode.


It’s filled with both golden nuggets of wisdom & practical strategies, which will help you whenever you’re juggling multiple projects or commitments.


You’ll hear how Barry’s journey starting from being ‘The Garden Barber’ to what he does now, hasn’t always been smooth sailing & the role that personal development; tackling mindset blocks & taking action played.


I’m sure it will help answer the question for you … on whether being totally exclusive to one business or following a multi-passionate approach, is right for you … or not!


Enjoy listening to the banter … Barry is truly one of a kind!

[mk_divider style=”thin_solid” divider_width=”one_half”][mk_button size=”x-large” url=”” align=”center”]LAST PLACE FOR JANUARY 2019 – FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE NEXT 90 DAY MASTERMIND[/mk_button][mk_divider style=”thin_solid” divider_width=”one_half”][mk_padding_divider size=”10″]

Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:

* Listen to the reflections from the last 90 day Mastermind; find out more about the next one & secure your place here.

* Connect with Barry on Facebook & Instagram (@barry_nelson87) here

* Barry’s Entrepreneurial Superpower is a Star profile.  Which one are you? Discover yours here.

* ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ by Robert Kiyosaki

* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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Best wishes as always.

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