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Impact V.S. Effort

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Feeling like you’ve got a ton of things to do & not enough time?

How do you decide?

Just shut up, get your head down & hope you’ll get it all done somehow?

Avoid the pain of even thinking about it by doing something else … (oh my desk could do with a good tidy just now …. *procrastination alarm bells!*)?

Start at the top of your ‘to-do’ list & just take things in the order that you wrote them?

Options, options & options!

Watch this short RT-TV episode to see how there is a much smarter way for you to consider – what stays; what gets done now & what goes!

Here’s a preview of what I share inside the video:

  • Not everything will make a difference for you or your business!
  • Focus on the those things that will have a HIGH IMPACT!
  • Some tasks will take time & high EFFORT, while others will be low EFFORT!
  • Planning is key to getting major projects done!
  • 20% of what you do often gets 80% of the results!
  • Some things should just not be done (or by you at least!)
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Over to you now, now that you’ve watched the video (you did watch it didn’t you? It will have a High Impact & Low Effort … so will be a quick win … I promise!), what are you going to choose to do & not do?

Drop me a quick comment below & share what your focus will be on today & this week.

I look forward to sharing even more with you again real soon.

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