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Get Out Your Way Podcast

Choose Your Words Wisely – 048

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Words aren’t just simply words.


Think about it … each word you hear, say or write, is a combination of letters, which are skilfully jumbled together in a way that gives it a meaning.


And it’s those meanings that impacts our behaviours, mindset & performance … even more than we realise at times!


So do you really choose the words you’re using & even stop to notice them, or do they just slip out?

I know that your eyes are blinking as you’re reading this & you’re doing this without even realising, am I right?

Well the same is happening with the words that you’re using, you often just say or think about them on auto-pilot mode.


But think about it … are these the best words for you & your business?


Or could those pesky words be the things that are actually getting in your way or holding you back at times?


Want to explore this further now & see the impact it’s been having?


Listen to this podcast episode, where I’ll share with you certain words & phrases that you want to banish from your mouth or mind!


I bet you that you’re using them without realising!


But after you hear what they are, you’ll get alarm bells ringing so you can catch them & change them going forward.


So let’s go chat … me & you .. over on the podcast now.

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Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:

* Thinking of being part of my next 90 day Rapid Transformation Mastermind group?  Let’s chat … book in for your free virtual cuppa here.

* What is your entrepreneurial superpower?  Find out by taking the Wealth Dynamics test here.

* Episode 001 – It’s All In Your Mind

* Episode 010 – Do you believe your internal stories?

* Looking for some help to get our your way?  See how we could work together here.

*Discover which business growth block is holding you back by taking this free quiz.

* Join the FREE Facebook Group to access other resources & connect with like-minded business owners here:
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