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Audio PodcastBusinessNetworking

7 top tips for effective Networking

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Do you want to make ‘Networking’ easier & more effective for you?

I’ll admit that over the past 8 years of growing my own business, going to ‘formal’ networking meetings has never been something I’d jump out of bed for!

But lately, I’ve been going to a lot more of them in Glasgow & have actually been finding them both enjoyable & productive.

I decided to record an audio podcast for you, so you can hear my top 7 practical & down-to-earth tips so you can get even more from these types of opportunities.

You can put these to good use both in ‘face-to-face’ & online/virtual networking …. as the world has certainly become a more connected & ‘smaller’ world now!

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During the audio podcast, I share lots of real-life examples & experiences with you, to help bring it all to life!

Here’s a snapshot for you though ….

  1. Arrive early
  2. Listen more & be curious
  3. Be a connector
  4. Be super clear on your WHAT, WHO & WHY!
  5. Less is more
  6. Focus on the long term
  7. The magic is in the follow-up!

Also remember to be YOU!  People ‘buy’ people – so just be real & natural!

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“The richest people in the world look for & build networks, everyone else looks for work.”

Robert Kiyosaki

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Like always, the beauty comes not from listening, reading or thinking.  It’s WHAT you’re going to do with it that will make the difference & help you enhance your results!

Please take a moment to share the key insights you’ve had & what you’ll do differently next time you’re ‘networking’, in the comments below.

Enjoy the journey of connecting with even more people in a really ‘real’ way!

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