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6 Figure Bookkeepers!

Ready to make some real magic happen in your business?

Confident Business Growth Without Chaos & Confusion!

Together let’s go on a unique journey to your next chapter.

6 Figure Bookkeepers!

Ready to make some real magic happen in your business?

Confident Business Growth Without Chaos & Confusion!

Together let’s go on a unique journey to your next chapter.

6 Figure Bookkeepers!

Ready to make some real magic happen in your business?

Confident Business Growth Without Chaos & Confusion!

Together let’s go on a unique journey to your next chapter.

Hi, I’m Osmaan

the Business Owner's Coach

for established experts (coaches, consultants & service providers) … like you!


Let’s go on a  quest!


1: Take the Free Business Magic Scorecard

In less than 97 seconds, get a current snapshot of what’s going well for you & where you’ve got the biggest opportunities to experience more magic & results in your business.


You’ll get a personalised report with specific recommendation based upon your results.

2: Discover Your Wealth Dynamics Profile

Every business owner has a superpower.  Do you know yours?

Because it’s your hidden gem!

See which of the 8 Entrepreneurial Superpowers you are, so you can experience more flow in everything you do in business.

3: Listen to the ‘Your Business Quest’ Podcast

Each week we’ll dive into answering an important question that will take you on a quest to continue to grow your business, with more confidence & less chaos!

4: Connect with me

Please do reach out to share your biggest insights from my session & ask any questions that popped up for you.

I’d love to hear more about you & your business moving forward.

I’m @osmaansharif across socials or use the links below:

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I’ve seen my business absolutely transform as a result of his support & guidance

“Without fail, I have an ‘aha’ moment on every single call I have with him, and he challenges my thinking and helps me shift my own mental barriers and blocks.

He’s helped me make really tough decisions in my business and turned down business opportunities once we’ve talked them through together and I’ve realised they took me away from my own business goals and commitments.

He’s helped me make things happen and stay consistent in my business.

And as a result, I’ve seen my business go beyond anything that I would have imagined when I first started working with him.”

Jenny Plant

I'll coach & mentor ask you questions & guide focus on serious results & fun for challenge & support be practical & strategic with you


I’ve got real life experience to share from currently growing my own businesses & winning contracts for the past 16+ years across different industries.


As a Certified NLP Master Practitioner, Coach & Trainer, I’ve got a whole coaching toolkit that will help you change how you think, feel & act … FAST!


One-size-fits-all doesn’t work for growth.  As an Accredited Wealth Dynamics Consultant, I’ll help you to discover & use your unique personality.

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Osmaan actually helped me book one of our highest paying clients.

“It was a great booking over $10,000, which I don’t think I actually would have confirmed or been able to charge that much without Osmaan’s support.

Osmaan’s supporting me in stepping into the CEO role within my business.

A huge part of it was the mindset shifts that I needed to go through and Osmaan helped me do the things and know the things that I just didn’t know I needed to think about.

Osmaan’s super approachable and is someone that I just love having in my corner, he’s one of my trusted advisers and amazing mentor and honestly, he just helps me feel incredibly grounded.”

Logan Elliott

Osmaan helped me really dig down & see what the real issue was.

“I was grappling with a big decision around whether to continue with a part of my business or not.

Osmaan helped me really dig down & see what the real issue was, in just one session.

It was a great relief to work through it with Osmaan & to realise that it didn’t have to be such a drastic decision.

Instead we figured out practical changes that would significantly improve that part of my business in the short term & I left with a clear plan to put into action.”

Janet Murray

I achieved my 90 day revenue target in 30 days.

“Osmaan’s ability to identify mindset blockages and drill down into actually solving the problem has been the best investment I’ve made in my business.

In hindsight, I’ve struggled for years with limiting beliefs about the business world and my true potential.

To have clarity and feel genuinely positive about my future plans is a real shift in the right direction for me, my family and my business.

I am forever grateful, thank you!”

Fionn Patrick

So are you ready to make some real magic happen in your business?